Welcome and mission

Hi there!
This is a page for fans and friends of the WildStorms Expandable Superhero Collectible Card Game (otherwise known as WSCCG).
Here, I'll share and showcase work that extends beyond the boundaries of the 1995 game and its expansions. (I figure that since I co-created it, I can do stuff like that.)
Seriously, though, I've developed some things based on the original game design (by Jim Lee, Matt Forbeck and yours truly) that I think are moderately cool and I want to share them with you.
So welcome to my page and thanks for being here!


One shortcoming of the WSCCG is that we had vehicles, we just didn't have anything really cool for them to do. Helicopters, motorcycles... sure, we had cards for them but we didn't have any mechanics in place to let players use them to the fullest.

So let's fix that.

I'm going to start rolling out some rules (hopefully by May 1) that discuss how to bring vehicles into your game.

You might be asking, right off the bat, what this means for existing vehicles in WSCCG. Well, it depends. You can use the original, official card (and we recommend this for tournament play) or you can use the updated versions we'll be rolling out here. Totally up to you.


Vehicle Rules

Land, Sea and Air (and Maybe Underground or in Space)
Vehicles are objects that allow characters to move (themselves, passengers, cargo, etc.) and sometimes to fight (tanks, APCs, battleships, fighter planes, etc.). Every civilization since just about the dawn of time has had vehicles of some sort, and why? Because they're so darned useful.

We'll start by sketching out what these all-new vehicle cards include.

Design of Vehicle Cards
Type: Ground, Water, Air, Space, Special
Passengers: # characters that can be onboard at any one time
Pilot/Driver Required?: yes or no; some vehicles do not need a skilled operator
Tech: value of the vehicle in question (a modern car would be Tech 2, for example)
Stats: C (usually ramming), R (if equipped with weapons), D (resistance to damage)
Speed: how many ranks it can move straight or in reverse in one turn (generally 1-4 ranks/turn)
Hits: how many hits it takes to disable (motorcycle = 2, for example)
Protection: added to D of passengers
Size: basically, scooter (1) to Imperial Star Destroyer (200).
Special Features: anything that is extra, like a separate sub-vehicle or unusual weaponry

Vehicle Movement
I Wanna Go Fast!
Movement is based on the vehicle's Speed plus the Driver or Pilot's skill level. A racer in a car with Speed 5 and Driver 5 can go faster than a guy in a car with Speed 8 and Driver 1. This holds true for all types of vehicles.

Vehicles, for purposes of the game, move in straight lines. If a sharp turn is necessary, the driver must roll under his skill value on 1d6 and lose 1 rank of movement; if the roll fails, the vehicle's movement is ended for that turn.

Vehicle Attacks
Ramming Speed!
The easiest attack a vehicle can make is ramming into something. The way it works in WSCCG is:
  • add Speed to C for a total ramming attack value, then apply it to an opposing target that is within range.
  • Fast vehicles clearly have an advantage here, but we'll get to what tanks and other big, slow things can do later.
If attack fails...
  • ...by 1, vehicle is not slowed, neither passengers nor target is injured.
  • ...by 2, vehicle is slowed to 1 rank/turn; all passenger <3D suffer 1 hit.
  • ...by 4, vehicle is stopped and takes 1 hit; all passengers <4D suffer 1 hit.
  • ...by 6, vehicle is stopped and disabled; all passengers <5D suffer 1 hit.
If attack succeeds...
  • ...by 2, vehicle is able to continue moving; target suffers 1 hit.
  • ...by 4, vehicle is able to continue moving; target suffers 2 hits.
  • ...by 6, vehicle may make second attack on adjacent opposing character; original target suffers 2 hits.
Crushed Underfoot
Tanks might not be speed demons but boy, can they crush stuff. (By the way, these rules also apply to eighteen-wheelers, kaiju and other mega-monsters, and AT-ATs.)
  • Add Size to (C+D) to get crushing attack value, then apply it to an opposing target that is within range.
  • Movement slows to 1 during a crushing attack regardless of outcome.
If attack fails...
  • ...by 1, vehicle is not slowed, neither passengers nor target is injured.
  • ...by 2, vehicle is slowed to 1 rank/turn; all passenger <3D suffer 1 hit.
  • ...by 4, vehicle is stopped and takes 1 hit; all passengers <4D suffer 1 hit.
  • ...by 6, vehicle is stopped and disabled; all passengers <5D suffer 1 hit.
If attack succeeds...
  • ...by 2, vehicle is able to continue moving; target suffers 2 hits.
  • ...by 4, vehicle is able to continue moving; target suffers 3 hits.
  • ...by 6, vehicle may make second attack on adjacent opposing character; original target suffers 3 hits, any equipment on target is destroyed.

Vehicle Defenses

Racing Maneuvers
How to Race
Resolving Races

Plot Twists and Combat Cards for Vehicles

Equipment for Vehicles (off-warranty modifications)

Some Well-Known Vehicles

FANTASTICAR MK 1 (Flying Bathtub)










Want to see more? There's a page with links to various vehicles in the making...

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