Welcome and mission

Hi there!
This is a page for fans and friends of the WildStorms Expandable Superhero Collectible Card Game (otherwise known as WSCCG).
Here, I'll share and showcase work that extends beyond the boundaries of the 1995 game and its expansions. (I figure that since I co-created it, I can do stuff like that.)
Seriously, though, I've developed some things based on the original game design (by Jim Lee, Matt Forbeck and yours truly) that I think are moderately cool and I want to share them with you.
So welcome to my page and thanks for being here!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Time Flies

Hey there,
Been thinking about boosts, which led me to speculate about their opposite: anti-boosts. (We need a better name, maybe drawbacks?) Tony Stark had a bad heart AND alcoholism to contend with; Wolverine has rage issues; Spider-Man had a sickly aunt and crippling financial worries... you get the idea.
I'm thinking about doing some drawback cards that can be played to REDUCE a character's point value. They'll have game effects--random inability to attack, etc.--but not to the point of making a character unplayable.
What do you think?
If you cannot comment here, I'll post in the WildStorms CCG FB page and you can let me know what you have to say there.

Friday, May 8, 2020


I know, I've been away for a long while now. My apologies.

Been thinking about mentors in a game like WildStorms. Batman mentors Robin after Robin, Professor X teaches class after class of X students, and even Superman and Spider-Man have helped out a protégé or two.

So I'm devising a subset of COACHED BY... cards that would act as boosts. You put COACHED BY BATMAN on your hero and they add Subterfuge and Street Invisible (new power alert!) as extra abilities. COACHED BY CYCLOPS adds to one's Energy Blast and might also add Tactics (not sure yet). COACHED BY SUPERMAN could give one Reputation (villains cannot make the first attack on the hero).


I have some ideas. You have some? Comment here or hit me up on the WildStorms CCG page on Facebook!