April 7, 2020 (or as we like to say, day 16 of our coronavirus captivity)…
I have a little bit of time on my hands so thought I would follow through on a promise I made to Chris Crowther a year or so ago. He suggested I build a site to share all the stuff I'm doing, since I've generated way more cards than he might want to create. (It takes him a lot more time and effort to do a finished card--which are AMAZING, btw--than it does for me to write up a character, plot twist, or what have you.)
So here is the start of what I hope will become a good, useful supplement to sites like the one Chris has built and maintained for some years now. You'll find a bunch of unofficial stuff here, including write ups of characters beyond the world of WildStorm/Image (which is where this all started), along with all-new plot twists, battlesites, equipment, combat cards and more.
What you will also find is...
- New card types- I have ideas for Vehicles, Organizations, Power/Skill Feats, Magic Spells, Psi Stunts, and more. Want to know what a "Boost" actually does? It'll be here. Want to see Sidekicks as a character sub-group? It'll be here.
- New rules- okay, so if we have Vehicles, how do they work? If you want to run a Wacky Racers event in WSCCG, is that possible? Can the Batplane shoot down the X-Men's Blackbird? It'll be here.
- Feedback! Questions and answers!
- And... dare I even suggest it... a place for YOU to take these write ups and turn them into custom cards, then show off what you made.
So... let's get started.
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