Welcome and mission

Hi there!
This is a page for fans and friends of the WildStorms Expandable Superhero Collectible Card Game (otherwise known as WSCCG).
Here, I'll share and showcase work that extends beyond the boundaries of the 1995 game and its expansions. (I figure that since I co-created it, I can do stuff like that.)
Seriously, though, I've developed some things based on the original game design (by Jim Lee, Matt Forbeck and yours truly) that I think are moderately cool and I want to share them with you.
So welcome to my page and thanks for being here!

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Scribbles from the Table...

April 7, 2020 (or as we like to say, day 16 of our coronavirus captivity)…

I have a little bit of time on my hands so thought I would follow through on a promise I made to Chris Crowther a year or so ago. He suggested I build a site to share all the stuff I'm doing, since I've generated way more cards than he might want to create. (It takes him a lot more time and effort to do a finished card--which are AMAZING, btw--than it does for me to write up a character, plot twist, or what have you.)

So here is the start of what I hope will become a good, useful supplement to sites like the one Chris has built and maintained for some years now. You'll find a bunch of unofficial stuff here, including write ups of characters beyond the world of WildStorm/Image (which is where this all started), along with all-new plot twists, battlesites, equipment, combat cards and more.

What you will also find is...
  • New card types- I have ideas for Vehicles, Organizations, Power/Skill Feats, Magic Spells, Psi Stunts, and more. Want to know what a "Boost" actually does? It'll be here. Want to see Sidekicks as a character sub-group? It'll be here.
  • New rules- okay, so if we have Vehicles, how do they work? If you want to run a Wacky Racers event in WSCCG, is that possible? Can the Batplane shoot down the X-Men's Blackbird? It'll be here.
  • Feedback! Questions and answers!
  • And... dare I even suggest it... a place for YOU to take these write ups and turn them into custom cards, then show off what you made.
I'm hoping that this will be a fun sandbox for us to make up new stuff based off the game I co-created 25 years go, a game that's surprised me with both its durability and the loyalty of its players. It even holds up well so many years later.

So... let's get started.

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